
Technology 2019-04-02T16:38:46+00:00


There’s no question that technology is fundamentally changing the way we teach and learn. While some tablet users may have access to personal computers, the lack of the right amount of educational technology tools in a facility is a concern. Help make it easier for tablet users to take classes by funding additional tablets for education.  Tablet funding can also be used for health and wellness rehabilitation content.

Cell Phones 

When someone leaves a facility, they walk out into the real world with no way to communicate.  A free cell phone gives this individual a way to communicate with potential employers, a means of keeping in touch with friends and family, and a tool that can help them to once again become productive citizen. Without the ability to reconnect with society, the odds of recidivism increase dramatically.

Consider the physical and psychological costs to society of wasting the potential within each of these men and women. Cell phones are a small cost to pay for the benefits they provide not just to the individual, but to society as a whole.

Launch for Life Reentry App

Launch for Life has developed a Reentry App that can be downloaded on an Android device. Help support us in providing this App for free on a tablet or cell phone so the individual can continue having access to free content as well as health and wellness resources.